5 Keys to Creating a Beautiful Smile with Aligners

Not sold on the idea that braces are for you? Fortunately for you, at Kovacs Orthodontics, our Miles City and Billings team can offer you many more options. Our orthodontist, Dr. Kovacs, has spent years mastering the art of crafting beautiful smiles with modern dental technology (translation: “more than just braces”). One such method, which has quickly become a favorite among our patients, involves using Invisalign clear aligners. The path to a picture-perfect smile might seem daunting, but we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

This post reveals our 5 keys to creating beautiful smiles with aligners. We believe in transparency (Get it? Aligners…transparency.). And we want you to understand what makes our approach so effective. Whether you’re a curious newcomer or a returning patient, we hope this will illuminate the unique blend of art and science behind our Invisalign aligners. Let’s get started on this exciting journey to achieving your dream smile!

What Distinguishes Aligners From Braces

A clear aligner’s purpose is to straighten your teeth incrementally. It happens over a period of time. As with braces, a patient may have to wear aligners longer than expected. In those ways, clear aligners are similar to conventional braces. But they are far from the same thing. No matter whether transparent or metal, braces have brackets and wires. Additionally, Dr. Kovacs will likely recommend braces to fix a bad bite. You may hear him use the term “malocclusion.” Braces can work better (and, in many cases, more quickly) on bad bites. Nevertheless, clear aligners and braces are distinctly different for that reason. 

The doctor will affix braces to your teeth. Braces have wires and brackets. These attachments help reposition your teeth over time. We might give you a list of food and beverages to abstain from if you have braces. This might mean you must bid farewell to some of your favorite snacks and drinks. But clear aligners like Invisalign are different. Aligners are completely removable. That’s one of their biggest advantages.

Aligners Are Very Easy To Keep Clean

Dr. Kovacs recommends wearing your aligner for about 22 hours each day. You can take it out as you need to. Most people will wear aligners anywhere from 12-24 months. Here are some pointers to help you keep your aligner working properly: 

  • If you’re not wearing it, put it in its case.
  • Clean your aligners as the doctor recommends.
  • Drop it, break it, or damage it? Don’t try to fix it yourself. Instead, bring it into our office.
  • Your aligners are yours. You’re the only one who should be wearing it (yes, believe it or not, that does happen).

How To Clean Your Aligner

Clear aligners aren’t hard to clean. After a little practice, you’ll know exactly how to clean your set. Our team can help you with which cleaners to try. Cleaning involves soaking your aligner in a cleaning solution for roughly 20 minutes daily. Remember to keep your toothpaste away — toothpaste is abrasive and can damage aligners. Need a little extra? Try a soft-bristle brush.

We suggest cleaning your aligners at least twice every day. That’s how often you’re brushing your teeth anyway, right? Many of our patients find it easiest to clean their aligners once before breakfast and again after dinner. Practice what works best for you and your schedule, but try to clean your aligner twice daily. 

How Much Do Clear Aligners Cost?

Kovacs Orthodontics understands budget constraints. In any circumstance, patients come first. Dr. Kovacs will only suggest treatment plans that you actually need. No sudden charges or surprise feed here.

The price for clear aligners like Invisalign is similar to traditional braces. Curious about your coverage? Talk to your insurance company about orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. We can also tailor a payment plan that fits your family’s budget. 

5 Keys to Creating Beautiful Smiles with Aligners

Which Age Groups Benefit From Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners like Invisalign can work wonders for you, regardless of age. Kids, teens, and adults can all benefit from wearing clear aligners. No two smiles are the same. Therefore, all treatment plans will be different. At Kovacs Orthodontics, we’ve used clear aligners from Invisalign to provide orthodontic intervention for all ages. We’d love to help you too! 

Remember Your Pearly Whites

We must remember our teeth among all this talk about our aligners!  The aligners themselves aren’t the point, right? We have to take care of those pearly whites. That’s what you’re doing all this work for. So on that note, always follow the doctor’s guidance. Brush your teeth at least twice daily. Remember to take it easy on your gums. Brush thoroughly but gently. And don’t hold back on your floss and fluoride mouthwash. Keep your teeth healthy. And maintain your appointment schedule. Life happens; we understand that. But if you can’t make it, call ahead and reschedule.

5 Keys to Creating Beautiful Smiles with Aligners

Clear Aligners At Kovacs Orthodontics

At Kovacs Orthodontics, we’re committed to your smile transformation journey. With Billings and Miles City locations, Dr. Kovacs and our dedicated team are always at your service. We have shared a wealth of information about the effective use of clear aligners and their role in creating beautiful smiles. We pair education with action. That winning combination is the key to dental health success. Visit us here to schedule a free consultation. We can personalize a plan to make your dream smile a reality. Embrace the opportunity to transform your life today.